Thursday, February 3, 2011

Finally - a list of what we would like to achieve this coming year

We have been busy in holiday mode doing all sorts of fun things but as work and school routines return I have been finalising our "resolutions" for 2011.  Below I have listed 5 things we would like to achieve over the next year - among the more general goals of moving toward being more sustainable.

1.  SIMPLIFY THINGS - We have accumulated many things in and around our house which sometimes lead to a life more complicated than it should be - and more cleaning.  So this year our biggest resolution will be to make a start on the de-cluttering of our house and shed.  I would like to systematically go through our "stuff" this year and assess what we use and want, then get rid of the excess.

2.  HEALTH -  I would like to see us all get fitter. I have an aim to get my walking fitness back so that I can enjoy extended bushwalks and start back with overnight hikes. Maybe we could start to take the kids on overnight hikes - our oldest is certainly requesting it.

3.  ENERGY CONSUMPTION - I would like to assess where we can make reductions to our energy use - this year our focus will be on household power consumption. 

4.  HOUSEHOLD WASTE - I would like to focus on ways of reducing the plastic waste in our household.  We already use "re-usable" shopping bags most of the time - but we still generate a lot of other plastic waste.

5.  LOCAL, ORGANIC OR FREE RANGE MEAT.  Over the past year or two we have changed our shopping habits and have moved to including much more local and organic produce in our diet - this will continue.  With more options becoming available in the rural centre of Orange I would like to see if we can only buy local, organic or free range meat.

So here's a belated cheers to 2011. I am looking forward to another year of challenges.


  1. That's a fine set of goals for 2011. I can identify with all of them, especially the first - I've started a gradual declutter around here too.

  2. Yep, I can relate. Your 1 and 2 are my main focus this year. Good luck :-)

  3. I've just found your blog. It's terrific and I do a similiar blog if you'd like to take a look. I'll definately be reading more of yours. I love it. Vanessa

  4. Paola it seems to be a common thread that we all collect too much and are in need of decluttering.

    Tricia - you'll be happy to know that I am using your 6 clothing items posts to start my clothing declutter now.

    Vanessa - thanks will pop over to visit you as well.
